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We at Cats Karma eV rescue cats on Mallorca | exposed - sick - off the street - from the kill or any other emergency situation | with us they are neutered, treated by a veterinarian, nursed back to health with lots of love, are allowed to regain their strength and are safe | once they are ready and healthy, they will seek a lifetime couch - with YOU.

Image by Mathilde Langevin
Image by Paul Weaver


Here you will find our current sofa space seekers, who all have one thing in common: the great desire for their own forever home. Open your heart, the following souls are waiting for you:


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Image by Erik-Jan Leusink


Sina and Steffi, two women who have one thing in common: a huge heart for Mallorcan street cats. And her love for the small and big, young and old and partly also handicapped strays on Mallorca brought Cats Karma to life in May 2018.

Cats Karma eV, which actually started as a small private initiative, has grown so much over the years that we currently look after around 450 cats in our refuge and at around 50 different foster homes all over the island. There are also around 100 colony cats, which are also fed daily and given veterinary care.

Behind Sina and Steffi there is now a team of around 40 volunteers who look after the well-being of the cats from Germany and Mallorca 24/7, handle mediation and emergencies, organize flight sponsors, write contracts, manage Facebook and Instagram and much more.

The whole thing is only possible through private, voluntary commitment and the diverse financial support of our followers and Cats Karma fans, to whom we simply say "THANK YOU FOR EXISTING!" want to say.



Here you will find a small excerpt of our previous lucky furs who, thanks to their new adoptive parents, have already made the leap to their forever sofa. 

Image by Alexander Possingham


Many people feel the desire to help animals in need. Some donate to appropriate organizations, others take in an animal from a domestic or foreign animal shelter or volunteer. But sometimes there is a need to do more. It was the same with us. That's why we founded Cats Karma. 

Actually, it was only supposed to remain a small private initiative, but we quickly realized how many emergencies needed our help every day. The need in Mallorca literally overran us and then Corona came at the beginning of 2020. Due to the lockdown, we were no longer able to neuter cats at the beginning of 2020, because it was strictly forbidden to leave the house in Spain. In addition, castration was not one of the permitted, vital treatments at the veterinarian. In addition, many people have left the island, many homeowners could no longer come to the island due to the entry regulations and gradually many people have lost their jobs and thus their livelihoods. In addition to the human aspect, this crisis has of course also had an enormous impact on animal welfare to this day. Animals were left behind, there were no tourists who looked after the cats at least from March to October, castration campaigns were impossible, sometimes we could no longer look after our street colonies, people with pets had neither money for food nor for the vet, etc.

But we didn't close our eyes and are still fighting the consequences of the corona crisis to this day. From the original 60 cats that we had in our care before the pandemic, there have quickly become well over 450 cats that we now care for. Of course, our monthly costs quickly increased accordingly, and it quickly became clear to us that we now had to take a different path and decided to found an association in Germany in summer 2020.

No sooner said than done, and thus our German animal protection association was officially established on August 30, 2020, which we also registered directly for registration. Unfortunately, Corona and the additional bureaucratic hurdles in Germany thwarted our plans again. After we had to wait several months for appointments with the notary, lawyers, tax office, district court, etc., the wording of the statutes had to be slightly changed again and again and we still had to take care of the 450 cats a day in addition to our full-time job, of course, we are now in the final stages of registering the club and waiting every day for the decision from the district court. At the same time, we also applied to the tax office for non-profit status, so that we can issue donation receipts promptly. This is of course important because we are increasingly dependent on donations to be able to take care of all the emergencies.


There are many ways to help animals in need.


If you would like to support our work and our commitment to Mallorcan street cats, then help us save more cats from the streets or from killing stations with your monetary or material donation and give them a second chance in life that you would otherwise be denied.

It doesn't matter whether it's a one-off or regular donation, whether it's a sponsorship or a will - any kind of support helps us. Just talk to us - together we will find the perfect donation package for you. 



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